Friday, September 21, 2012

The next X Factor

Don't we all wish we could sing like her. Pure talent. Amazing!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ahoy ye maties!

Today was national talk like a pirate day! Krispy Kreme was giving out a dozen free donuts for those that came into the store dressed up like a pirate and yelled AARG!! Those of you who know me, know how much I love anything that involves dressing up. So of course couldn't pass up this opportunity. Happy sailing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Eleven years ago today I was in lock down at my Elementary school in Washington D.C 15 min. away from the pentagon, that had been hit in the 9/11 attacks. Its a day I will never forget. The students weren't allowed to know what was going on, and as a 5th grader I honestly thought the world was ending. When I finally got home from school, I remember the terror I felt as I watched what major event had just occurred, I couldn't stop watching. Even though I was young I remember it affecting me in a way undescriable. My father used to work in the pentagon, but had been transferred to another building 10 minutes away. His old office had been hit. I am so blessed to still have him here with me today. Smoke filled the air near our home for weeks, my dad was very busy helping with evacuation plans and other military duties he had in the Air Force. I'd never seen him look so sad and defeated.

The Twin towers no longer stand in New York City but the memories of that day, and the many firefighters who lost their lives do. Let us all remember how blessed we truly are, and never forget 9.11.01. I love liberty, freedom, and I love America.