ad-ict-Verb: to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively.
So we all have our addictions. What are some of mine right now you might ask...
1. Hot cheetos, and mountain dew. (Don't know how I would get through rough days with out these delicious snacks)
2. Right now I am on a " Boy Meets World" kick. I plan to watch all 7 seasons before the semester is over. I miss the good ol days when there was actually GOOD things on T.V.
3.Usher. I will admit it. Who wouldn't be infatuated by a dark, handsome man, with a 100 dollar smile, and a voice as smooth as butta. ha. I can't help but listen to his music every chance I get.
4. And lastly for all you PINTEREST lovers. Which should be almost every girl out there. I too have become addicted....It pretty much is the greatest website ever invented! I know I spend way too many hours on it, but can't help myself. Who wouldn't want to find great inspiring quotes, yummy recipes, awesome wedding ideas, and humorous pictures and videos.
ha ha found this pinterest definition on pinterest, and find it to be very true!