So Prom is coming up this month! My date Brandon Williams asked me a few weeks ago by getting a soccer ball and writing "I would kick myself forever if you didn't go to prom with me!" Then he had a rose and balloons to go with it.
So it took me FOREVER to answer him back. I was trying to think of something really creative to do. So finally on April Fools day I answered him back. Brandon plays soccer, so I had the soccer coach after Practice give him a note I wrote him. The note explained that I had given it a lot of thought and that I just didn't think it was a good idea to go to prom with him, ect.!
Then all over his car i had written No!, Not a chance, In your dreams, Ect. Then on the back window of his car I wrote. April Fools! Of course i would love to go to prom with you! Then in his wind shield wiper I left another note, that said JK, April fools, of course i would LOVE to go to prom with him, and i'm looking forward to it, ect.!
Later i talked to the soccer coach, and he was like "Kari you should of seen his face when he read the note! So i guess Gillie (the soccer coach) told him "Now Brandon remember what day it is!" And Brandon was all, FOR REALZ!? So i guess Gillie kind of gave it away, butGillie said he had to tell Brandon because he looked like he was going to throw up! Brandon said even though Gillie said that, and it was April Fools he still wasn't totally convinced, he still said there was some doubt until he finally went out to his car and saw it was a joke!
I know it prob. sounds way mean! But I thought it was freakin funny!! And Brandon said i got him good!!